

Monday, December 23, 2013

Roses are Dead, the Bodies are Blue

The Whisperer spoke most at the Gathering.

He spoke of the Game, of how He wanted a bigger part. I know not why He wants to play now, He never had an interest before. He broke the Laws, however, in bringing on of his Maenads.

She was turned into one of the Camper in punishment. The Rake was not pleased.

The Pale Prince spoke second, telling us that his Agents were stopped on a mission by the Pharaoh and His cult, the Arms of Ra. The Pharaoh was absent. As punishment, His role in the Game was lessened.

The Eye ranted on and on of His holy judgement. The Empty City shut Him up soon after His rant's beginning.

The last that spoke was the Archangel. He told the Whisperer that His plan for the Game was exciting and would no doubt be a "fun sport."

I am worried. The Lord of the Afterlife is devious, sadistic, evil, and has no respect for humanity. All of reality is the Game to Him. I fear that He has a new rule or two that He will soon implement.

After all, it was He that created the Game.

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