

Sunday, December 22, 2013


The Convocation calls upon me.

Thunder lights the sky, the shrieks of ravens and crows and eagles and hawks and falcons so loud that it shakes the very walls.

Jack stands with them, a contract in his hands. Nyarlathotep sighs in the madness between worlds, The Pharaoh sets his staff on the ground, The Pendulum swings.

It is time.

Know that I go to that Emptiest of Cities, that most massive of Fears, for you. All of you. You, as insignificant and mortal as you are, are important.

Not very important, but important nonetheless.

Without you, another race would have to come into being for the Game. How long that would take is anyone's guess.

I go now to the Empty City for a meeting with the Lords and Ladies of the Realm. I am there to chronicle, to write. I am allowed this laptop and an internet connection, as the Empty City can create anything...including wifi.

The chronicle may come up tomorrow, or in a year. The Empty City dwells in a time not of Earth.

Wish luck to a humble Archivist.

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